And now for something completely different
Gary Leofanti came to the Village of Park Forest in 1972 because something was different there. It always had been. Of course, always is a relative term.
A youth(ful) movement
Park Forest had youth on its side. Literally.
It’s Youth Commission was a motivated and politically savvy group of young people and civic-minded adults. And, in Leofanti, it now had a Youth Worker with exactly the experience their community needed.
But it also had the figurative advantage of being a youthful community, still less than 25 years old in 1972. People literally could not say, “Because that’s how we’ve always done it.” Something was indeed different.
And with its new Youth Worker on board, nothing would ever be the same. Today, Aunt Martha’s board members, volunteers and employees share their memories of Gary.
Thank you for the memories, Gary!

He’s just an unbelievable person.