Celebrations: Aunt Martha’s at 10

50 Years 50 Stories

They say it’s your birthday!

Last week we took a slide show time machine to Aunt Martha’s in the 1970s.

Those pictures captured the enthusiasm of the agency’s early years, even if the context (and sometimes the photo itself) is less than clear.

Today we’re stepping forward into a new decade, but only a few years have gone by.

It’s 1982. And you’re invited to Aunt Martha’s 10th Birthday Party!

Aunt Martha’s at 10

The Setup

Aunt Martha’s welcomed staff, volunteers and community members to celebrate the agency’s 10 birthday. At least one of our guests rode their motorcycle. Does anyone know who?

The Cake

Somebody baked this cake, which looks timelessly and unhealthily sugary.
That’s 1982.

The Balloon Toss

The Fun and Games

And of course, a few of our friends.

…and The Chicken Guy

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